FYEO is pleased to release our 2025 KryptPass report!
The economic burden of cybercrime on the global economy in 2024 is estimated at $9.2 trillion, roughly 8.4% of global GDP. Should current trends persist, cybercrime’s economic burden could rise to $13.8 trillion, or 10.4% of global GDP, by 2028. This forecast implies an 11% annual growth rate in cybercrime, clearly a growing tax on the world that must be addressed promptly.
Using our Breach Database containing over 29 billion credentials, FYEO estimates the average internet user has been exposed on the dark web 1.3 times in part due to a reliance on password combinations that can be readily hacked. A study of the FYEO top 100 passwords indicates 92% can be cracked in less than 60 minutes, with 65% vulnerable almost instantly.
Against this threatening backdrop, we introduce KryptPass which relies on a proprietary patented decentralized data management model that addresses the challenges besetting passwords to date and offers a path towards a more secure digital world. Innovations in credential management such as automating the process of updating breached passwords without user input and disabling the ability to reuse previously saved passwords will take much of the onus out of the hands of the individual, helping to start to close this cybersecurity gap.
Want to learn more about KryptPass? Join our Beta.
We are looking for partners!
Do you see something that is a natural fit with KryptPass & our breach database? Perhaps you are building a secure phone, or you have an IOT implementation that could benefit from secure passwords and breach notifications? Maybe you’re looking to integrate more data on security, or your customers need truly secure storage? We have an API, so drop us a line at hello@gofyeo.com and we can discuss collaboration!